Laura Whyte.

Project Manager.

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Hello from part of the Scottish branch of Knockhundred!

It’s not always the sunniest part of the world but it’s still a lovely place to call home.

I’ve grown up mainly in the literature world, studying English Literature at University then going on to work in various roles in marketing, copywriting and editing. I started working in the language industry around 2 years ago although I’ve been working as a project manager for many years.

With my background in English literature, it’s always hard to choose a single favourite read – but I’d probably say it’s a toss-up between Alice Walker’s The Color Purple or Joseph Heller’s Catch 22.

Although it’s lovely to go abroad and get some sun, the Scottish Highlands have some stunning scenery and amazing walks. And there’s nothing better than cosying up at the fire with a cuppa after a chilly walk!

The most interesting part of working in the language industry is dealing with people from all round the world and learning about new languages. It’s fascinating being part of supporting global connectivity!

If you have an event on the horizon and need linguistic help, let me know. Having been involved in event planning for the Edinburgh Fringe Festival, I know how hectic it can get.  But there’s nothing better than seeing it all come together at the end.

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