When English subtitles go wrong…

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When English subtitles go wrong…

Knockhundred’s English subtitles are of course perfect, but it can be very funny when mistakes are made – by other people, that is.

Most subtitling mistakes are inevitably made as a result of using speech recognition software rather than a human being. Producing subtitles via speech recognition is obviously cheaper and faster than by a human, but my goodness, the technology is not there yet when you look at the results.

Producing beautiful English subtitles is an art form, and extremely satisfying. Below is what happens when you forget that.

Learn more

If you would like to learn more about our English subtitling service, [ https://knockhundred.com/gb/english-subtitles-captions ] do please get in touch. [https://knockhundred.com/contacts/free-quote]

This compilation of English subtitling mistakes was compiled by ShortList.

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