Sign language interpreters provide a vital resource to the Deaf and hard of hearing. You may have started to notice interpreters at major sporting and entertainment events more recently. The provision of interpreters is essential to ensure inclusivity at these events. As well as in-vision interpreters on television programmes, digital media is helping to break down the barriers.
Are there different types of Sign Language?
Yes! Here in the UK a lot of Deaf people are familiar with BSL, British sign language. This is the preferred language of around 145000 people in the UK, according to a BSL survey from 2011. American Sign Language (ASL) is also spoken here. Whilst there are a lot of similarities between BSL and ASL, differences occur in the same way as between American English and UK English. Makaton is another variation, combining graphic symbols with hand signs. It is particularly focused at those who have learning difficulties, but many of the sign language is used in BSL, for example.
Does a sign language interpreter have to be there in person?
No, whilst a large proportion of sign language interpreter bookings are done in person, a growing number are done remotely. Technological advancements since the pandemic mean that this is an ever-growing sector. This makes interpreting truly accessible wherever you are (as long as you have WiFi!).
Increasing Accessibility
The BBC has made provisions to provide sign language interpreting for all BBC News bulletins 7 days a week. And they have been doing this since 2014. The ECB recently announced they would be providing sign language messaging at all first class venues throughout the 2014 season. As more organisations embrace sign language provision, the more inclusive it will be for the Deaf and hard of hearing.
You can find more information about the BBC’s provision for sign language here or more information on the ECB’s provision of sign language interpreters here.
Providing interpreters
It’s not just recreational pursuits that interpreters are needed for. Medical appointments, meetings with solicitors, the list goes on. You can learn more here about Knockhundred’s interpreting services for the deaf and hard of hearing.