Polish language services

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While you’re here… Some quite interesting facts about the Polish language.

One of the oldest known and documented sentences was noted by a Cystercian from an abbey in Henryków. The sentence was “Day, ut ia pobrusa, a ti poziwai”. The modern Polish would be “Daj, niech ja pomielę, a ty odpoczywaj”. The English translation is “Come, let me grind, and you take a rest”. It was written in about 1270.

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Polish Sample text

An excerpt from one of the greatest masterpieces of Polish literature and national epic of Poland “Pan Tadeusz” written by Adam Mickiewicz: Litwo! Ojczyzno moja! Ty jesteś jak zdrowie. Ile cię trzeba cenić, ten tylko się dowie, Kto cię stracił. Dziś piękność twą w całej ozdobie Widzę i opisuję, bo tęsknię po tobie.

Practice your Polish here!

Kiedy wszedłeś między wrony, musisz krakać jak i one.
(When in Rome, do as the Romans do.)

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If you would like more information or to discuss our Polish language services, you can call us on +44 (0)1544-388040 send an email to info@knockhundred.com or complete the form and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

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