Slovenian language services

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While you’re here… Some quite interesting facts about the Slovenian language.

The small number of people speaking Slovene makes it almost a secret language. It is a native language to approximately 2.1 million people and is spoken by Slovenian minorities in the bordering countries of Italy, Croatia, Hungary, and Austria. As a result of a migration at the beginning of the twentieth century Slovene can also be heard in Ohio, USA. After WWII, many Slovenians left their home country and moved to Argentina, so the Slovenian language is also present in South America. Other countries with Slovenian speaking minorities are Serbia, Canada, Australia and South Africa. On account of only 2.3 million people speaking the language, the 46 dialects of Slovenian language, often classifies Slovene as the most diverse Slavic Language. Slovenian dialects are categorized into seven regional groups: Carinthian, Upper Carniolan, Lower Carniolan, Littoral, Rovte, Styrian, and Pannonian. Sometimes dialects can be so different from one another, that it is hard for people from different parts of Slovenia to understand each other.

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Slovenian Sample text

Vsi ljudje se rodijo svobodni in imajo enako dostojanstvo in enake pravice. Obdarjeni so z razumom in vestjo in bi morali ravnati drug z drugim kakor bratje.

Practice your Slovenian here!

Vsaka vas ima svoj glas.
Every village has its own voice.

Do you have any questions?

If you would like more information or to discuss our Slovenian language services, you can call us on +44 (0)1544-388040 send an email to or complete the form and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

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