Chinese video direct translations inform market research

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Chinese video direct translations inform market research

Market research companies are increasingly interested in researching consumer spending habits within specific territories. China has experienced huge economic growth over the past two decades and we are seeing an increasing demand for direct translations of Mandarin interviews. Interviews are one of the most common methods used in market research. To ensure that everything is accurately captured, participants are often filmed in-situ, with the direct translations subsequently commissioned from the video or audio recordings.

Structured interviews are certainly one of the most effective ways of building up profiles of consumer spending. Often consumers are asked about why they would choose one particular product over another. Sometimes they are given hypothetical situations and asked to elaborate on what choices they would make and why. An alternative methodology is where focus groups may be asked to discuss a particular product in a group, expressing their personal preferences, likes and dislikes.

Knockhundred can help you with just that

We have plenty of experience transcribing or translating audio interviews directly from any file.

Should you require our help with Professional Direct Chinese Transcription and Translation Service from Audio or Video Files do not hesitate to get in touch with us and our team will do their best to help you.


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