German Idioms To Help You Learn German!

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German idioms

Learning a new language can be tricky enough, never mind reaching the point where a second language feels natural. Incorporating a few idioms is a great way to decrease formality, and understanding them could make some conversations with native speakers a lot less confusing… Please do join us in today’s exploration of German idioms!

What are German idioms? 

A German idiom is a phrase or expression whose meaning is different from the literal interpretation of the words. Idioms often have a figurative or metaphorical meaning that cannot be deduced from the individual words alone. They are typically unique to a language or culture and are commonly used in everyday speech. Idioms may convey a concept, idea, or emotion in a succinct and vivid manner. Understanding idioms is essential for achieving fluency and proficiency in a language, as they are frequently used in conversation, writing, and various forms of communication.

Five German Idioms to add to your repertoire:

  • “Das ist nicht mein Bier.” Literal translation: “That’s not my beer.” Meaning: “That’s not my concern” or “That’s not my problem.”
  • “Tomaten auf den Augen haben.” Literal translation: “To have tomatoes on one’s eyes.” Meaning: “To be oblivious” or “To be unaware of what’s going on.”
  • “Da steppt der Bär!” Literal translation: “There the bear dances!” Meaning: “It’s going to be a great party” or “It’s going to be lively and fun.”
  • “Du gehst mir tierisch auf den Keks.” Literal translation: “You’re really getting on my cookie.” Meaning: “You’re really annoying me” or “You’re getting on my nerves.”
  • “Ich verstehe nur Bahnhof.” Literal translation: “I only understand train station.” Meaning: “I don’t understand anything (about this)” or “It’s all Greek to me.”

Cultural nuance 

As you can see from the above examples, the cultural nuance in languages can be challenging if you are not aware of them. Brushing up on your idioms can help fluency, a natural flow to writing and speaking, and also a lighter tone. 

More about the idioms of the German language here!

German Language Services

If you need some support with the German language – whether it is translation, transcription or interpreting – we are here to help! Please click on the link if you would like more information about Knockhundred’s German Language Services. 

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