Typesetting and Desktop Publishing Service in Nuer

Hero Curve Element

Working together with our experienced and qualified translators, voiceover artists, interpreters, audiovisual translators, transcribers and subtitlers, we offer a wide range of language services.

Available in over 200 languages within the UK and beyond, our linguists can get you heard in any language of your choice. While we do not offer a walk-in service, we are only one phone call away from discussing your language requirements.

Your documents typeset by experts and checked by Nuer linguists

If we are provided with the source text in a standard, fully editable format such as Word or Excel and asked to produce a translation in any language, then this is straightforward.

If however the translation needs to fit within a layout that combines elements such as text, numerical data, photographs, illustrations, other graphics and special formatting, then you may need the help of one of our typesetters.

Just let us know how we can help you.

What information would we need from you?

  1. What language is your source document?
  2. What is the subject matter?
  3. As translated texts donโ€™t always take-up the same amount of room, have you taken this into account with the design of your document so that it will accommodate versions in different languages such as Nuer?
  4. Remember some languages read from right to left.ย  Will your design allow for right to left reading languages?
  5. What software package have you used to design the original?ย  Are you able to send us the source files, including any pictures or graphics?
  6. How many words is your source document?
  7. How many pages is your typeset version?
  8. Would you require the translated typeset version to be proofread by a native speaker after the typesetting stage?

Which languages read from right to left?

The main languages are:

  • Arabic
  • Aramaic
  • Azeri
  • Dhivehi/Maldivian
  • Hebrew
  • Kurdish (Sorani)
  • Persian/Farsi
  • Urdu

What will our Nuer proofreaders consider?

Our proofreaders will carefully check the formatting of a document to ensure that sentences donโ€™t appear twice, a word has not been cut off inappropriately, headings are in bold if they should be, titles to illustrations have not been omitted.ย  This is especially important post desktop publishing or typesetting.

How is the cost for Nuer typesetting calculated?

  • The cost depends on the number of pages
  • The cost depends on the complexity of the layout

Get in touch with one of our lovely project managers and they would be very happy to discuss all the available options with you. Do also take a look at the security procedures and infrastructure we already have in place to protect your data.

While youโ€™re here… some quite interesting facts about the Nuer language.

The Nuer language is a Nilo-Saharan language of the Western Nilotic group. It is spoken by the Nuer people of South Sudan and in western Ethiopia (region of Gambela). Nuer is one of eastern and central Africa’s most widely spoken languages, along with the Dinka language. The language is very similar to the languages of Jieng and Chollo. Nuer language has a Latin-based alphabet. There are also several dialects of Nuer, although all have one written standard. For example, final /k/ is pronounced in the Jikany dialect, but is dropped in other dialects despite being indicated in Nuer orthography.

Where is Nuer most widely spoken?

South Sudan and Ethiopia.
Get in touch with one of our lovely project managers and they would be very happy to discuss all the available options with you.

Do also take a look at the security procedures and infrastructure we already have in place to protect your data.

Alternatively, you can call us or send an email:
+44 (0)1544-388040

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