We’ve been working on a number of unusual and thought-provoking translation projects recently. One of our major clients recently conducted in-depth research into possible climate-change solutions and we’ve been heavily involved in the translation of their research findings.
Our client conducted extensive research at various locations, collecting data on current precipitation levels and water purity. They then conducted a number of experiments to investigate possible ways to combat aridity and pollution. The research findings were collated into a number of technical documents in Modern Standard Arabic (MSA), which were then translated into English (by Knockhundred, of course!) In addition, a series of interviews were conducted with a number of climatologists/atmospheric scientists. The interviews were predominantly conducted in Arabic, though there were also a number of English interviews too.
Since the content contained a lot of specialist technical terms, it was necessary to have a team of technical translators familiar with working in these particular areas. This proved to be a challenge, since there were a limited number of translators specialising in this area who were appropriately experienced translating the content into English. However, we were in constant contact with our client and liaised closely with our translation team and managed to nail down a schedule that worked for everyone (no mean feat!)
The client required the Arabic interviews to be transcribed into English (only). Essentially, they needed what we term ‘direct translations’ from audio ie English-only transcripts. Transcription is also a specialist area and direct, or ‘one-step’ translation is also difficult. However, we managed to meet the challenge and transcribed and translated six hours in just ten working days.
Hopefully the research findings assist global researchers in their quest to combat climate change. We’ve already begun work on a follow-up project, so we are being kept busy!
Require Help?
Should you require our help with Arabic translation or Arabic to English direct translation do not hesitate to get in touch with us and our team will do their best to help you.