Our Arabic transcription service for academic research is regularly called upon by students and researchers from the Open University. Working from either video or audio, our Arabic transcribers and typists can either produce a same language transcript or a direct translation from Arabic into English.
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We spoke to Annet, one of our Arabic transcribers and translators who completed over 60 hours of interviews as part of an International Studies research project.
Interview with Annet
KH: Can you tell us what the project involved and whether there were any particular challenges you faced?
A: This was a fascinating project for me as the researcher wanted to study environmental issues faced by countries in the Middle East and had conducted a series of interviews with Arabic speakers.
KH: Did the researcher speak Arabic?
A: No, there was an interpreter present.
KH: Which countries did the Arabic speakers come from?
A: Primarily from Egypt, Iran, Saudia Arabic and Jordan.
KH: As an interpreter was present, were you just required to provide a straightforward Arabic transcription, or were you asked to translate the Arabic speech into English text?
A: I was asked to provide a direct translation from the Arabic speech to English just in case the interpreter had missed anything.
If you are currently a student or member of the academic staff at the Open University, or you are based at another academic institution, you may be interested to know that we offer an academic discount for our transcription services. If you have some Arabic interviews or footage and would like a quotation to have them transcribed or translated into English, please get in touch and we’d be happy to help.