We provide a French subtitling service for a whole host of different industries. They are provided not only for French speakers wishing to watch foreign language material, but for the Deaf and hard of hearing in France.
We were interested to read Marta Iriarte’s PhD thesis exploring the optimum time subtitles should be displayed on the screen for the Deaf and hard of hearing.
“The subtitles that were displayed for shorter times and that contained more one-line sentences, on the contrary seemed to lead to more deviations between the image and the subtitles and to force a fast reading and viewing rhythm. The deaf participants in the study seemed to be able to adapt their reading and viewing strategies to this situation but this was not the case for the deaf French sign language users who seemed to follow a slower pace and for whom faster subtitles could lead to a lower processing of both verbal and visual information. Thus, according to the preliminary results of this study, whenever it is possible, and for the benefit of the group of deaf sign language viewers, it would be recommended to provide longer subtitles displayed for longer times, which seems to ease the processing and integration of the verbal and the visual narrative information.”
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If you would be interested in finding out more about our French subtitling service, then do please get in touch and one of our project managers would be happy to help.