French transcription of audio and video – Mais pourquoi?

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French transcription of audio and video - Mais pourquoi?

Today, technology is all around us. If someone asked us to search something for them, we could give them an answer in seconds just by checking the internet on our smart phones or tablets. We are able to access media, whether it be music, podcasts or videos from just about anywhere, meaning that we are always connected to the world and its current affairs and trends.

The popularity of media in France, especially since the end of WW2, has meant that the demand for transcription has increased substantially.

We quite often receive project requests for transcription of French media, for the purpose of court hearings. All of our French audio/video typists are bound by a non-disclosure agreement, to keep all material confidential. Here’s what one of our French linguists had to say:

Knockhundred: Hi Elodie, why do you think that the transcription of audio relating to court hearings is especially important?

Elodie: Nowadays, because of the way technology has developed, we are able to capture every little remark and utterance. This can prove very, very helpful in a trial process. So when we transcribe the audio and add timecodes, it makes it much easier to pick out and find certain bits of specific information within the recording, information that could prove to be very important to the trial.

Learn more

If you would like to know more about our French transcription service, please do get in touch and we will be happy to help you.


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