The Knockhundred Project Management Team has been working hard over the past few days, to fully brief its team of Hebrew transcriptionists on a possible new project. This will be a high volume of digitally recorded oral testimonies, which will need to be transcribed in Hebrew. The transcripts will ultimately form part of a valuable and historically significant archive, which will serve to inform future generations. We’ve a team of able transcriptionists, based (literally) all-over the globe, ready to help with this worthwhile project.
Whilst putting everything in place, we’ve also discovered some really fascinating facts about the Hebrew language. Did you know that Modern Hebrew is written from right to left, using the Hebrew alphabet – a consonant-only script of 22 letters? Modern scripts are also based on the ‘square’ letter form, known as Ashurit (Assyrian), developed from the Aramaic script. Learning Hebrew is no mean feat, since there are some sounds which can be difficult to pronounce and verbs take a different form, depending on whether the subject of the sentence is male or female.
We obviously ask our linguists to do their absolute best to capture all audio accurately, making sure everything is spot on, Ein davar ha’omed bifnei haratson “Where there is a will, there is a way”.
Need help?
Should you require our Hebrew Transcription Service do not hesitate to get in touch with us and our team will do their best to help you.