Interpreting resources in Bedfordshire

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Interpreting resources in Bedfordshire

With this week’s focus on the available interpreting resources in Bedfordshire, we looked at why some of our interpreters have chosen to live there.

Of course! It must be the existence of Edible Ornamentals who began selling chilli plants in 2001… The company features as one of the top 10 “things to do” in Bedford. This certainly resonates with us as we grow chilli plants in the Knockhundred office.

Bedford and the other towns in Bedfordshire are well served with fully qualified interpreters available in over 90 languages.


LANGUAGE NUMBER OF INTERPRETERS WITHIN 50 MILES OF BEDFORD Albanian 10 Algerian 7 Amharic 3 Arabic 20 Armenian 2 Azerbaijani 1 Azeri 1 Basque 1 Bengali 12 Bilen 1 Bosnian 4 Bravanese 1 Bulgarian 10 Cantonese 9 Croatian 2 Czech 7 Dari 16 Dutch 2 Farsi 33 French 23 Fullah 1 Georgian 1 German 5 Greek 1 Gujarati 11 Hebrew 2 Hindi 6 Hungarian 7 Llocano 1 Indonesian 1 Italian 13 Jamaican Patois 1 Japanese 1 Kibujani 1 Kikongo 1 Kikuyu 1 Kinyarwanda 1 Kirundi 1 Korean 2 Krio 2 Kurdish Bahdini 2 Kurdish Feyli 1 Kurdish Kurmanji 2 Kurdish Sorani 15 Latvian 2 Lingala 3 Lithuanian 14 Luganda 1 Malay 1 Malayalam 1 Mandarin 19 Mandinka 2 Mauritian Creole 1 Mende 1 Moldovan 5 Mongolian 4 Nepalese 1 Oromo 1 Pahari 4 Pangasinan 1 Indian Punjabi 18 Pakistani Punjabi 9 Pashto 15 Pidgin English Nigerian 1 Pidgin English West African 1 Polish 50 Portuguese 29 Pothwari 1 Romanian 38 Russian 19 Serbian 3 Sinhalese 1 Slovak 5 Somali 8 Spanish 25 Swahili 3 Swedish 1 Sylheti 3 Tagalog 1 Tamil 9 Temne 1 Thai 2 Tigrinya 2 Turkish 29 Twi 1 Ukrainian 2 Urdu 28 Vietnamese 3 Yoruba 1


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If you would like to know more about our language services in Bedfordshire or require a quotation for a fully qualified interpreter, do please get in touch


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