We have been working in close collaboration with an independent film producer making a nature documentary in Bangladesh. It’s been a really exciting project and we think that the final programme will be very, very well received.
Fortunately, the production company approached us well in advance, to let us know when they would be filming, how many hours of footage there would be and so on, so we were in a position to have everything set up as soon as the material began rolling in.
There was some beautiful photography, with shots of Bengal tigers, leopards and some really scary pythons and cobras. Most of the wildlife footage needed an English voiceover which one of our most popular VO artists provided. However there were also a number of interviews with Bengali speakers who work hard to protect the animals. Since the client needed to isolate the specific sections for Bengali to English subtitling, they initially commissioned English transcripts with 5 minute time-code markers. The producer was then able to check through all the interviews and select just those parts which would be used in the programme.
The most engaging parts of the interviews were then subtitled into English by our Bengali linguist (an experienced Bengali translator who has subtitled lots, and lots of material for us!) Once all the subtitling was complete, the final SRT files were returned to the client for the edit. Keep your eye out for tigers on terrestrial TV!
Need help?
Should you require our help with voiceovers or Bengali subtitling do not hesitate to get in touch with us and our team will do their best to help you.