We asked Marcin what it is like working as a Polish subtitler in Manchester.
Emmeline Pankhurst of Votes For Women fame was born in Manchester, Coronation Street is based in this city, and the members of Joy Division, The Smiths and Oasis are all from Manchester. What was it that attracted Marcin, one of our Polish subtitlers, to settle in Manchester?
Marcin: I completed my MA in Modern Languages at the university in Manchester. I loved the city so much that I decided to stay. That was 10 years ago. My wife likes Coronation Street…
KH: Can you tell me what sort of material you subtitle?
Marcin: I subtitle quite a lot of training materials in Polish. One of my clients is a large food retailer and some of their employees are Polish. They ask me to provide Polish subtitles of all of their health and safety training videos.
KH: Do the videos tend to be in English?
Marcin: Yes, and I provide a direct translation into Polish and SRT files.
KH: We quite often send you documentary footage to subtitle. Is that challenging?
Marcin: It is certainly enjoyable. I guess the most challenging aspect of subtitling this kind of footage is that the speakers are not working to a script, so they often talk over each other and so on.
KH: Are most of your clients based in Manchester, or doesn’t location matter?
Marcin: To be honest, location doesn’t really matter. I can produce Polish subtitles whether I am sitting in my office in Manchester or visiting my parents in Poland. As long as I have my laptop and a decent internet connection, I can work from almost anywhere. It obviously helps being based in Manchester if one of my clients asks me to attend on-site.
KH: Thank you for your time.
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If you would be interested in learning more about our Polish subtitling service do please get in touch.