Polish Transcreation & Translation – missed opportunities

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Polish Transcreation and Translation of Advertising Material

According to stats, companies are ignoring the need for transcreation and translation of advertising material to attract Polish consumers, or indeed consumers speaking any other language than English.

A recent survey conducted by Smartling revealed that nearly 50% of the 150 marketers surveyed admitted to conducting precisely zero marketing outside of the United States. With more than 53% of content written in the English language, non-English speaking countries such as Poland are not being targeted in their own language. What a missed opportunity!

So what do we mean when we talk about Polish transcreation? Working with creative marketing and advertising companies who are in charge of expanding their clients’ horizons for Polish consumers, our task is to ensure that we deliver the message irrespective of language and culture. Imagine if Polish manufacturers or service providers marketed their products in the UK, but in the Polish language only? We’d be lost, and in any case, Polish advertising companies would simply not pursue such a doomed marketing plan. So although only roughly 5% of the world’s population’s native language is English, more than 53% of content is written in the English language (source: econtentmag.com).

We can help

If you want your brand to reach Polish consumers, you’ll need to transcreate your message in Polish. You will probably need to use our Polish Transcreation and Translation of Advertising Material service. Please get in touch to see how we can help.


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