One of our project managers asked Jakub to tell us a bit about what it is like working as a Polish transcriber, and the highs and lows of providing Polish transcriptions in just the right format.
Knockhundred PM : Jakub, could you tell us approximately how many minutes of Polish speech per day you can transcribe?
Jakub : Well, that totally depends on the clarity of the source Polish audio or video, the number of speakers, frequency of timestamps, subject matter…so many things.
Knockhundred PM : Ok, imagine the client has provided clear audio, no more than two speakers, general subject matter and no more than 5-minute time codes. How many minutes then?
Jakub: This sounds like my fantasy job! Seriously though, provided the conditions are right, then between 45 minutes and 60 minutes within a 24 hour period.
Knockhundred PM: That’s impressive. Do you use any software to achieve these speeds?
Jakub: I never use Polish speech recognition software as the results are just not good enough – and it takes me longer to correct than if I had transcribed the Polish from scratch. I do however use standard transcription software to help me rewind, listen again and insert time codes.
Knockhundred PM: Keeping with the idea of your fantasy transcription assignment, what are your most and least favourite subject matters?
Jakub: Well, the bulk of my experience has been in Polish medical transcription work and general market research interviews, so I guess I am very comfortable with this sort of subject matter. The Knockhundred PMs have started to give me various Polish documentaries to transcribe and I must admit I find these fascinating. My wife thinks it’s not fair that I get paid to watch TV! I also enjoy transcribing Polish oral histories.
Knockhundred PM: I have to ask, so what would be your least favourite Polish transcription assignment?
Jakub: Poor quality audio, lots of speakers talking at the same time, frequent time codes, short deadline, but to be honest we need to take the rough with the smooth.
Knockhundred PM: Thank you so much for giving me this insight. We’ll try and find an interesting Polish documentary for you to transcribe this week as a thank you!
Need help?
If we can help you with a Polish transcription, do please get in touch.