Many of our most recent commissions are from global advertising agencies and one of the most common requests is to produce subtitles for advertisements. However, this week we’ve been working on subtitling a number of casting sessions filmed in Barcelona.
Our client is a major clothes manufacturer and has been filming interviews with people of all ages and backgrounds, on location in Spain. The interviews have all been filmed in Spanish and the client has requested subtitles in English. Each interview lasts in the region of 10 minutes and the client has conducted interviews with around 30 people, so we’ve had around 300 minutes of Spanish content to work on.
Once we’ve downloaded the video files, then the real work begins. Every linguist working on the content needs to be a bilingual and a competent translator. And in addition, they need to have the technical competence to be able to work comfortably with subtitling software. Subtitling is a fairly specialist skill which demands real attention to detail and there are standard conventions (in terms of subtitle duration, line length and so on) which need to be observed closely. It’s obviously really important that there is consistency across all the deliverables, so we always ensure that our linguists are au fait with all the conventions before any work starts and obviously there is an internal QC process before any subs are returned.
The Spanish to English subtitles are nearing completion and the completed subtitles will allow our client to choose which lucky individuals will appear in the advertising campaign. Next week, we’ll be working on the French casting sessions, which should be a challenge!
Need help?
Should you require our help with Spanish subtitling do not hesitate to get in touch with us and our team will do their best to help you.