Manchester. Home to Manchester United and City football teams – and to Maria, a Spanish transcriber.
We wanted to find out whether now Maria lives in Manchester she supports United or City, or whether her allegiance is still with Real Madrid back in Spain.
Maria: What an opening question! How can I answer that? Oh dear. No, I can’t answer that. I will be in trouble no matter which way. Ask me about Spanish transcription. It is safer.
KH: Ok, ok. I get it. So, Maria, just for context, how long have you lived in Manchester?
Maria: Around 5 years. I applied for a job in Manchester from Spain, and when I got the job and arrived here, I loved the city so much, I decided to stay.
KH: Have you always worked as a Spanish transcriber?
Maria: In a way. My previous job was as a legal secretary and so transcription was part of that. I decided I wanted to transcribe full-time. I had also studied languages at university, so felt I could put this to good use.
KH: It is true your English is amazing. Do you also translate directly from Spanish audio or video into English?
Maria: I do indeed. Quite a lot of my work is precisely that. I listen to the Spanish speech on audio or video files and translate that directly into written English. A native English speaker will generally proof it.
KH: When you are not providing a Spanish transcription service, what do you do in your spare time?
Maria: I spend all my spare time on my allotment!
KH: One last thing, what do you think about Manchester City’s Premier League win? You’re smiling…
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