During the festive season the translation industry goes into overdrive. Things definitely don’t wind down toward Christmas – they become more frenetic, as companies anxiously endeavour to get any last-minute jobs done and dusted, before the holiday season. Christmas messages are one of our most popular requests, particularly from our media partners.
We’ve been receiving a deluge of requests for subtitles, in lots of different languages. Many of the assignments involve subtitling short films. The end clients are frequently multinational companies and academic institutions who have brief video files, filmed in English, but which need to be subtitled into French, German, Portuguese, Spanish, Japanese, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese. They are predominantly Christmas and New Year messages to be shown worldwide, but there are also a number of end-of-year reports that we’ve been working on. Fortunately our subtitlers are super-quick and super-experienced, so we’ve managed to get everything turned around, before the festive holiday!
Need help?
Should you require our help with subtitles do not hesitate to get in touch with us and our team will do their best to help you.