Imagine how much time you could save by having your lectures, seminars, interviews and research material transcribed. No more having to write up your lecture or seminar notes. No more spending hours transcribing hours of interview material. Think what would be possible with all that time saved.
People imagine that transcribing audio or video material is straightforward, and of course in some ways it is, but unless you have the right equipment and amazing typing skills, it can be very time-consuming. Our transcribers can work from just about any source format including Youtube and Vimeo links, AAC, ACT, AIFC, AIFF, AMR, APE, AU, CAF, DCT, DVS, FLAC, OGG, M4A, MP2, MP3, UPC, MSV, QCP, RA/RM, SHN, SPX, VOC, VOX, WAV, WMA, 3G2, 3GP, ASF, AV1, DivX, DV, FLV, M4V, MKV, MOV, MP4, MPEG, WMV. Depending on your requirements, we can add time codes at any desired frequency. Our transcribers can provide strictly verbatim results, or intelligent verbatim if this is more appropriate. Transcripts are provided in fully editable formats and can include speaker labels if required. As we work for a large number of students studying at a variety of academic institutions, we already have various confidentiality agreements in place, and are accustomed to redacting personal information from transcriptions if this is requested.
Academic discount
If you are currently a student or member of the academic staff at a university, or you are based at another academic institution, you may be interested to know that we offer an academic discount for our transcription services. If you have some English interviews or footage and would like a quotation to have them transcribed, or indeed you have audio or video material in another language and you would like it transcribed or translated into English, lease get in touch and we’d be happy to help.