The recent global COVID crisis has changed the way we work and it has had a significant impact on language companies and on their interpreters. Traditionally, our consecutive interpreters would attend businesses, schools, courts and solicitors to interpret in-person. This would involve an often time-consuming commute, from one side of a city to the other, using public transport and rushing to arrive on time. In addition to interpreting time, there would be additional travel costs. Recent events, however, have caused a dramatic shift and we’re seeing more and more demand for video and telephone interpreting.
Communicating during a crisis
Knockhundred has been providing a bespoke telephone interpreting service for quite some time. However, as a result of receiving an increasing number of enquiries about the possibility of video interpreting, we’ve found ourselves tasked with setting up more and more assignments that operate in this way.
Interpreting in-situ obviously has the advantage of the speaker and the interpreter being in the same physical ‘space’. How necessary this is, really depends on the nature of the booking. For many, many bookings however, interpreting remotely is a really viable option. For the interpreter there are no travel costs, no risks of being late and no wasted time. All that’s needed is a PC with a camera and mic and a good internet connection. Of course, there are pros and cons for telephone interpreting, but it feels like things are definitely moving in a new direction now.
Should you require our help with interpreting services do not hesitate to get in touch with us and our team will do their best to help you.