The majority of our clients look for a one-stop-shop when it comes to contracting a good voice over service.
It used to be the case that voice over artists would attend external studios to have their voices recorded or synched to video. This meant paying for travelling costs, travel time, studio space and a studio engineer. Obviously this sort of process is sometimes still necessary if the project demands it and the budget can stand it. Nowadays, much of the necessary work can be completed in the home environment making voice over provision much more affordable.
We provide voice overs in multiple languages including English, French, Romanian, Turkish, Croatian, Italian, Polish, Spanish, Russian and German. Do ask us if the languages you need are not listed above. We can probably still help.
Our clients need voice overs for a diverse range of material such as ads, podcasts, webinars, online courses, announcements, tourist information etc.
If you have a project requiring voice over artists, this is typically the information we would need from you:
- What material would we be providing voices for?
- Will the voice need to be synchronised to any video material?
- What language(s) do you require?
- Do you have a preference for a male or female voice?
- Do you have a script prepared in the language of the voice over artist? If not, don’t worry, we can provide this.
- If you have a script, is it time-coded? If not, don’t worry, we can provide this.
- In what format do you require the recording of the voice overs? MP3 or WAV are popular choices.
Learn more
If you would be interested in learning more about our voice over services, do please get in touch and one of our project managers would be happy to help.