Multilingual Brand Checking Service in Over 200 Languages Including Malagasy

Hero Curve Element

Working together with our experienced and qualified translators, voiceover artists, interpreters, audiovisual translators, transcribers and subtitlers, we offer a wide range of language services.

Available in over 200 languages within the UK and beyond, our linguists can get you heard in any language of your choice. While we do not offer a walk-in service, we are only one phone call away from discussing your language requirements.

Completed by in-country native Malagasy speakers

Brand names are more than just words; they are powerful assets that can make or break a business. In today’s crowded marketplace, where consumers are bombarded with choices, a strong brand name can be the difference between success and obscurity. Here are a few reasons why brand names are so important:

  1. Recognition: A memorable brand name is the first step to being noticed. It’s what sets you apart from the competition and makes you instantly recognizable to consumers. Think of iconic brands like Coca-Cola or Apple; their names are synonymous with their products.
  2. Trust and Credibility: A well-established brand name conveys trust and credibility. Consumers are more likely to choose a product or service with a recognizable brand because they associate it with quality and reliability.
  3. Emotional Connection: A brand name can evoke emotions and create a bond with consumers. It can tell a story, convey values, and resonate with people on a personal level. This emotional connection fosters loyalty and advocacy.
  4. Differentiation: A unique brand name helps you stand out in a crowded market. It can communicate what makes your product or service special and why it’s a better choice than alternatives.
  5. Legal Protection: A strong brand name is a valuable legal asset. It can be trademarked, protecting your business from imitators and ensuring that you have exclusive rights to your brand identity.

A brand name is not just a label; it’s a critical part of your business’s identity and success. It’s the foundation of your reputation, the key to building customer loyalty, and a valuable asset that can appreciate over time. So, when naming your business or product, invest time and effort in choosing a name that truly reflects your values, vision and uniqueness.

Introducing your brand name to other cultures and languages including Malagasy

Expanding your brand to other countries can be a lucrative endeavour, but it’s not without its potential pitfalls, particularly when it comes to the brand name. Here are some challenges and pitfalls to be aware of:

  1. Cultural Insensitivity: A brand name that works well in one country may have a completely different meaning or connotation in another. It’s essential to research and understand the cultural context to avoid inadvertently offending or alienating potential customers.
  2. Language Barriers: Language can be a significant barrier. A brand name that is easy to pronounce and remember in your native language may become tongue-twisting or meaningless in another. This can hinder word-of-mouth marketing and customer engagement.
  3. Translation Mishaps: Translating your brand name directly into another language can lead to unexpected results. Sometimes, the translation may sound odd, inappropriate, or even offensive. A thorough linguistic evaluation is essential.
  4. Legal Issues: Different countries have different trademark laws and regulations. Your brand name may already be trademarked in your home country, but it could face legal challenges in another if it’s already in use by another business.
  5. Market Perceptions: Cultural nuances and market expectations can significantly impact how your brand is perceived. What works as a luxury brand in one country may be seen as ordinary or extravagant in another, affecting your pricing strategy and target audience.
  6. Competitive Landscape: Your brand name may clash with well-established brands in the new market. This can lead to confusion, lost market share, or even legal disputes.
  7. Local Preferences: Different countries may have varying preferences for brand names, colours, and visual elements. Adapting your brand to fit local preferences while maintaining its core identity can be challenging.
  8. Global Consistency: Balancing the need for a consistent global brand identity with the need for local adaptation can be tricky. Striking the right balance is crucial to maintaining a cohesive brand presence.

Expanding your brand internationally requires careful consideration of cultural, linguistic, legal, and market factors. Conducting thorough research and seeking our brand checkersโ€™ local expertise to ensure it resonates positively with your target audience in each new market will help your brand succeed in the global arena.

What can happen when a brand isnโ€™t checkedโ€ฆ

  • Colgate launched toothpaste in France named “Cue” without realizing that it’s also the name of a French pornographic magazine.
  • Electrolux at one time marketed its vacuum cleaners in the U.S. with the tag line: “Nothing sucks like an Electrolux.”
  • Ford blundered when marketing the Pinto in Brazil because the slang term in Brazilian Portuguese means “tiny male genitals.”
  • KFC made Chinese consumers a bit apprehensive when “finger licking good” was translated as “eat your fingers off.”

You get the pictureโ€ฆ

Brand checking in over 200 languages including Malagasy

Our brand checkers are native speakers of the country they live in.ย  As part of the report they will prepare, they consider the following aspects together with any other matters specific to the brand.

  • Each syllable
  • Colours (within its context)
  • Translation of product names
  • Logos
  • Pictorial representations
  • Icons
  • Symbols
  • Cultural points of reference
  • Ease of pronunciation
  • Units of measurement
  • Weight and currency
  • Contact details
  • Political considerations
  • Social considerations
  • Religious considerations
  • Educational considerations
  • Technological considerations
  • Overall tone


Get in touch with one of our lovely project managers and they would be very happy to discuss all the available options with you. Do also take a look at the security procedures and infrastructure we already have in place to protect your data.

While youโ€™re here… some quite interesting facts about the Malagasy language.

Malagasy is a member of the East Barito branch of the Malayo-Polynesian language family spoken in Madagascar, where it is the national and official language, and also in Comoros, Rรฉunion and Mayotte. There are also communities of Malagasy speakers in France and Quebec in Canada, and smaller ones in Belgium and Washington D.C. in the USA. Malagasy contains some words borrowed from Swahili and Arabic, There are also loanwords from French, the former colonial language which still enjoys official status, and English, thanks mainly to the 18th century pirates who made the island their base.

Courtesy of Omniglot

Where is Malagasy most widely spoken?

Madagascar and the Comoros.
Get in touch with one of our lovely project managers and they would be very happy to discuss all the available options with you.

Do also take a look at the security procedures and infrastructure we already have in place to protect your data.

Alternatively, you can call us or send an email:
+44 (0)1544-388040

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